Asylum & Human Rights

The UK is renowned for providing a safe place to those seeking asylum. Nevertheless, the process can be complex and intimidating. Our lawyers are here to help those claiming asylum or who have a Human Rights claim. 


If you are a refugee seeking asylum in the UK then there are various options for you.  


Claiming Asylum

In order to be given asylum in the UK you must have left your country of origin and be unable to return due to fear of persecution because of your race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group.


Family Reunion Programme

If you have left had to flee to the UK, been recognised as a refugee or given humanitarian protection in the UK and have had to leave your family behind, you can apply to enter the UK for asylum under the Family Reunion Programme.


Human Rights Asylum Applications

You may be permitted temporarily to stay in the UK under a human rights application. Under the European Convention on Human Rights a person should not be returned to a country where there is a real risk of exposure to torture, inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment.


Gateway Protection Programme

This programme is operated by the UK Border Agency in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), is designed to resettle vulnerable refugees. 


Applications for resettlement under this programme are made visa the UNHCR who then refer the matter to the UK Border Agency. Each settlement application will be assessed on its own individual merits including refugee status, need for resettlement, security risks, family status, health and health of dependants. Under the Gateway Protection Programme refugees are granted permanent residence immediately.


Discretionary Leave to Remain

If you do not qualify for refugee or humanitarian protection status, you may be eligible for Discretionary Leave to Remain although this is only granted in limited circumstances. 

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